=================== ChemTable v2.32 =================== ChemTable is a freeware periodic table application that runs on Palm OS handhelds. The information contained in this program was collected from a variety of websites, handbooks, textbooks, and commercial periodic charts (see sources.txt). The program is quite straightforward to use. Tapping on any of the element boxes in the periodic table will bring up a form showing a list of chemical/ physical properties. You can display either element symbols or atomic numbers in the table. You can also select a subset of the elements for display (Transition Metals, Halogens, Noble Gases, etc). Only half of the periodic table can be viewed at a time. To switch sections, tap on the left or right arrow button. You can change the color coding for the various element categories via a Color Settings form. Simply tap on any of the colored boxes in that form to display a Pick Color dialog. ChemTable also features an element list that can be sorted by name, symbol, or atomic number. To view element names or symbols that begin with a particular letter, enter that letter in the Graffiti input area. The list will automatically scroll to the required position. ChemTable requires Palm OS 3.5 or later. While I have tried my best to ensure the accuracy of the data presented in ChemTable, I cannot guarantee that everything is correct. If accuracy is essential to your work, please check the data against values from other sources. Please send questions, comments, or bug reports to robeng@hotmail.com. Version History: v2.32 Added Element 117 (Ununseptium). Renamed Ununbium (Element 112) to Copernicium. Updated the ionization energy data. v2.31 Minor bug fixes. v2.30 Updated the melting point, boiling point, enthalpy of fusion, and electron affinity data. Made a number of code optimizations. v2.29 Using the 5-way navigator to move between the two halves of the periodic table is now much easier. Minor bug fixes. v2.28 Added support for 5-way navigation (Palm TX, Treo 600 or higher, and Centro). Fixed a rendering problem on devices that display more than 256 colors. v2.27 Updated the atomic weights to IUPAC 2007 values. Numerous bug fixes and code optimizations. Improved support for localization and user customization. v2.26 Updated the mass numbers of radioactive elements to the latest IUPAC values. Added support for 240x240 resolution. Now runs on StyleTap. v2.25 Updated the atomic weights to IUPAC 2005 values. The element list can now be sorted by name, symbol, or atomic number. Removed support for Palm OS 6.1 (aka Cobalt). v2.23 Added isotopic abundances (IUPAC 1997). The number in parentheses at the end of an abundance value indicates the uncertainty in the last digit. Revised the electron affinity data. All values are from the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (80th Edition) Improved support for grayscale devices. v2.22 Added a mode selection popup to the top right corner of the periodic table and element list forms. Renamed Unununium (Element 111) to Roentgenium. Minor bug fixes. v2.21 Fixed a bug that caused the program to crash on the Tungsten T3. v2.20 Major overhaul of the internals. Now supports color. v2.19 This is the last version of ChemTable that runs on Palm OS 3.1. Except for color, this version has the same features as v2.22. v2.18 Modified the electron configurations to show orbitals in order of increasing energy. In general, the orbitals are filled in the following order: 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 4p 5s 4d 5p 6s 4f 5d 6p 7s 5f 6d 7p The program is now compatible with Palm OS 6. Made minor cosmetic changes. v2.17 Added Ununtrium and Ununpentium (Elements 113 and 115). Fixed minor bugs. Now runs more reliably under low memory conditions. Changed the way the application preferences are loaded/saved. If you are installing over a previous version of ChemTable, you may need to set your ChemTable display options again. v2.16 Updated the enthalpy data for atomization, vaporization and fusion. The new values for vaporization and fusion are from Lange's Handbook of Chemistry (15th Edition, 1999) and the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (83rd Edition, 2002-2003). The enthalpies of atomization are from Macmillan's Chemical and Physical Data (1992). All enthalpies are per mole of atoms. Revised some of the crystal structure and thermal conductivity data. Lookup of elements in the alphabetically sorted name list is now easier. Enter a letter in the Graffiti area and element names that begin with that character will scroll into view. This is not a full-blown search capability - you cannot enter multiple characters to find a specific element. Also note that names beginning with a letter from V to Z can never appear at the top of the list window - the list cannot be scrolled any further. Atomic radii are now given in picometers instead of Angstroms. Fixed a number of minor bugs and cosmetic flaws. v2.15 Modified the user interface in the Display Options form. Added a vertical scrollbar to the sorted name list. In the element details form, wrapped text is now indented. Moved "Electron Configuration" close to the top of the element details list. v2.12 Added an option to display element names in an alphabetically sorted list. Display preferences are now saved between sessions. Renamed Ununnilium (Element 110) to Darmstadtium. v2.11 The Lanthanides are now defined as the 14 elements that follow Lanthanum (Ce to Lu). Similarly, the Actinides are defined as the 14 elements that follow Actinium (Th to Lr). Also made a number of cosmetic changes. v2.10 Added 2nd and 3rd ionization energies. Revised the oxidation states for the Noble Gases. Groups are now labelled according to the IUPAC convention. (CAS group labels are still provided in the forms that display element properties.) v2.09 Revised the crystal structure data (now have hexagonal close-packed vs hexagonal). The form that displays the properties for a selected element now includes the element's classification. Added the series "Transactinides". Fixed a minor cosmetic problem that occurs when ChemTable is run under Palm OS 5.0. v2.08 Changed some of the forms from modal to modeless. v2.071 Corrected a couple of errors. v2.07 Updated average atomic mass data using IUPAC 1999 values. A number in parentheses at the end of an atomic mass value indicates the uncertainty in the last digit. Also revised melting point and atomic radii data. v2.06 Minor update of data. v2.05 Removed element 118 ("Ununoctium") from the table -- the claim for its discovery has been retracted. Made some changes to the thermal conductivity data. Pressing the hardware up/down buttons allows you to jump between the two halves of the periodic table. v2.04 Updated enthalpy of fusion, enthalpy of vaporization, specific heat capacity, thermal conductivity, and electron affinity data. v2.03 Revised the density values for many elements. v2.021 Fixed the creator ID. v2.02 Added electron affinity data. v2.01 Updated the values of various chemical/physical properties. v2.0 Conversion of original Java program to C. Robert Eng May 8, 2010